Lawn Care & Maintenance

If your lawn was left unattended what would it look like? Imagine what your garden would become if left to its own devices. You’d experience something akin to what the first indigenous inhabitants of Georgia encountered. It would be wild and thick. You’d need a machete just to get through it. We could be wrong but our guess is that you’d prefer something a bit more manicured. Johns Creek Landscaping provides exceptional services that not only keep lawns neat and tidy but also complement the existing architecture. We can make your home and business stand out or blend in with its surroundings.
Mowing & Hydration
Johns Creek receives an average of 51 inches of rain annually. Temperatures can get as high as 102 degrees from June through August. Not to mention the high 90s in May and September. To maintain a verdant and lush lawn worthy of a golf course, hydration is key. We strike a balance between drowning your plants and scorching them. Johns Creek Landscaping doesn’t employ landscapers trying to get by. We vet lawn care professionals that are passionate about what they do. Be confident in knowing that our landscapers have green thumbs. They don’t just mow beautiful patterns into your lawn and check your irrigation system. Our landscapers listen to your plants and give them what they need.
Pest Control and Consistency
Whether we like it or not, without consistent maintenance, our city would return back to the wild if left to its own devices. Worms, mice, beetles, crickets, and borers wreak havoc on the most beautiful gardens. No matter how you feel about reptiles, Copperheads, cottonmouths, and Timber Rattlesnakes may not feel so great about you. Johns Creek Landscaping provides pest control services to keep them at bay. Consistency is key when maintaining a gorgeous lawn. Our team arrives weekly to hydrate, mow, fertilize and reseed your lawn. We can come as often or as little as you like.
Thatches, Depressions, and Bumps
When Johns Creek Landscaping is on deck, thatches, depressions, and bumps are unacceptable. For one, they are unsightly. Secondly, they are a safety hazard. Enlist us to rid your lawn of thatches, depressions, and bumps. We do this by using a laser-sharp eye to detect irregularities. Via consistent maintenance, we eradicate unplanned growths. Thatches make it difficult for healthy grass to form. They suck up most of the available nutrients from the soil. Thatches will soak up vitamin D from the sun and leave healthy grass to starve. Something that is seemingly innocuous can be a pariah.
Weeding Strategies
Most of our Johns Creek clients tell us that they want a lawn worthy of a golf course. The green at your favorite golf course or country club is uniform in every way. There are no irregularities to contend with. That’s because a team of experts is on hand to eradicate weeds – stop them before they have an opportunity to grow. If you Google ‘weeds’, several images will populate. It can be confusing to discern a weed from a flower. Simply put, a weed is an unwanted plant. We disdain herbicides and prefer to use hand-pulling techniques to eradicate them. Selective herbicides are used when absolutely necessary.